Saturday, April 25, 2015

One Month To Go!

It's almost time!! We are down to just 30 days until my check in at Vista Way for my Disney College Program!

I thought that I would give a little update as to what has been going on and what I'm doing in preparation in the weeks to come!

- Signed Up for Classes
      No not school classes (thank God!). Disney sent an email around with our log in information to sign up for classes. This came about 6 weeks before the move in date. They direct you to the DORMS website where you take a quick survey and they generate which classes they offer that would fit how you answered the survey. You do not need to take classes! Some of them you can take for credit at school, and others are just speaker series about different aspects of the company. I am taking the Human Resource Management Speaker Series class which will dive into all the areas of Disney's HR. Since that was the major that I graduated with and I want to get into that division of the company, I figured this would be the perfect classes!

- Communicating with Roommates
       My roommates and I have been talking about who has certain items for the apartment such as TVs, toasters, Coffee makers, etc. that we are going to bring with us. This way we won't have duplicates. We have also narrowed down which apartment complexes we want. We will be getting the email to sign up for our housing preferences 10 days prior to check in and we want to be prepared. It's great to really start talking to them because it makes everything all the more exciting!

- New Hire Paperwork
         This week Disney Casting sent us the link to all of our new hire paperwork that needed to be filled out. This was so much easier than the last time that I did a DCP! The old way was that you received a giant envelope in the mail with all the documents that you had to sign and fill out and remember to bring with you on the first day. Now, you just go to the website and everything is already populated with your information and you do an e-signature to sign the documents! It was really simple and easy! 

- Received my Postcard!
         This is also something new since my last program! Since you don't get the giant welcome packet, Recruiting sends all the CPs a Postcard that says congratulations on it! (See my picture above) This was such a great way to just make it more real and like it is really happening... I am moving to Walt Disney World!

- Packing! Packing! Packing!
         It's still kind of early to really be packing, but I have all of my luggage down from the attic and set up in my sisters room. She's away at school so she didn't mind that I have turned her room into my staging area! Slowly I have been moving some summer clothes over into her room to get them out of sight so that I don't wear everything and have to do a ton of laundry before I leave. I also went through all of the stuff that I have accumulated from college and decided what I was going to need and what I wasn't. Once I have finalized my packing list, I will be sure to post it so you can see an idea of what you'd need to bring.

- Just Keep Waiting...
        I turned in my notice to work that I am leaving a week ago and now it is just a matter of waiting until my last day! I can't wait to be in Florida! I just wish the next few weeks would fly by! 

Monday, March 30, 2015

Look On the Optimistic Side of Life

Growing up as a "Disney Kid", I learned a lot from Walt Disney's movies, but also from the man himself. Here are some of my favorite quotes and why that are special to me. 

This quote is one that always reminds me that Walt was a normal human being. Walt took many risks in his life with his business. He was always a go-getter, but being in the business of film, people don't always get exactly what they want and they see rejection often. This is something that I believe Walt used as a spring board to keep going. He wanted to prove people wrong. He wanted to show them that the ideas that some thought were crazy, were actually ingenious. He built an amazing theme park in California that had a disaster for an opening day. So bad that the asphalt was not even dry and guests' shoes were sticking to the pavement. The park was written off as a failure. Of course, we all know that Disneyland came back to win everyone over after that debacle, but I'm sure that Walt did not envision that day going so terribly. After much hard work and persistence, Disneyland became one of the best vacation destination spots in the US.

It is always important to be optimistic in every day life. I am a big believer that how you think your day is going to turn out, is exactly how it is going to turn out. However, you cannot expect that because you have a positive attitude everything is going to work out for you. Life is complicated. It takes work and persistence to make your dreams come true. Sometimes, failing is part of the plan. Keep yourself positive, but life happens. Don't let it get you down!

Want to see more Disney Quotes? Check out Wise Words From Walt

Thursday, March 26, 2015

We Keep Moving Forward

Growing up as a "Disney Kid", I learned a lot from Walt Disney's movies, but also from the man himself. Here are some of my favorite quotes and why that are special to me. 

"Keep moving forward" was one of my favorite lines from the film, Meet the Robinsons. It was the motto that ran throughout the whole movie. (If you haven't seen it, you really should! It's one of those amazing and underrated Disney movies.) I fell in love with the phrase even more when I found out that it actually came from Walt Disney himself. 

This is something that I think everyone needs to remember in life. No matter what happens, you need to keep on going. Don't forget about the past, but learn from it. Take what you learned and use that to find new opportunities that you didn't know where there before. When one door shuts, another one opens. Just keep on going!

This was never more true for me as it was when I did not get any of the Professional Internships that I applied to last year when I was graduating. I thought it was my last opportunity to apply since you have to be in school when you're applying. I did not dwell on the fact that I did not get the positions, but I looked to see how I would be able to get myself down to Disney again. I decided to go back to school (online) for my Masters. This then made me eligible to apply for the DCP and PI all over again! 

Don't focus so much on what has already happened. There is nothing that you can do to change the past. You just need to pick yourself up and see what the next step in the process will be and move on. Move forward.

Want to see more Disney Quotes? Check out Wise Words From Walt

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Forming my Bucket List for DCP 2015

Hi All!

So I am seriously so excited for May to come and for my to move to Florida! Just 2 months away!!! 

In the mean time, I have been focusing my excitement into my blog because otherwise I would probably explode. So I have started forming my Disney College Program 2015 Bucket List! Super awesome right?! 

It is a work in progress and I promise that once I get down there, I will make sure to take pictures of each event as I check them off my list so that you know I successfully completed it. If you have any suggestions of things that I should do while in Florida, I would love for any ideas! 6 months should provide me with enough time to get everything accomplished!

You can navigate to my Bucket List by selecting the page name on the tabs on the top of the page, or by clicking the link here : Click Here for my DCP Bucket List

Monday, March 23, 2015

Why Worry?

Growing up as a "Disney Kid", I learned a lot from Walt Disney's movies, but also from the man himself. Here are some of my favorite quotes and why that are special to me. 

This is the best advice that you can take from Mr. Disney when it comes to applying for the Disney College Program! Being part of the Facebook groups that are for DCP hopefuls can sometimes add unnecessary stress to everyone. Once the acceptances start rolling out, that's then the doubt sets in and some of the people on the groups get snappy if you ask questions or are unwilling to help because they don't want the added competition. To all this I say, STOP FREAKING OUT! YES, I know we are all dying for it and YES, maybe this is your last semester that you are able to apply, but that doesn't mean your life is going to stop if you don't get accepted. 

I applied last year for 8 Professional Internships through Disney and many of them were Alumni-only internships. I was graduating in May so this was (what I thought at the time) the last time I would be able to get a shot at working for Disney. Long story short, I did not get the PIs. Was I heartbroken?  Yes. But I brushed myself off and moved on! I found an amazing job 15 minutes from my house and had a great experience! 

Take Walt's words to heart when you're applying for these internships. Once you have applied and done your interview, it's out of your hands! Adding extra stress and worry is not going to help, but hurt you in the long run. Find things to distract you until you get the final word on the internships you have applied for. Sit back, relax, and watch a Disney movie!!

Want to see more Disney Quotes? Check out Wise Words From Walt

Saturday, March 21, 2015

If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It

Growing up as a "Disney Kid", I learned a lot from Walt Disney's movies, but also from the man himself. Here are some of my favorite quotes and why that are special to me. 

Walt Disney was definitely a dreamer. How he came up with some of the ideas that he had, the world will never know. But everything he did was way ahead of his time. Walt never gave up. When people told him that making an animated film as long as Snow White was going to make people's eyes fall out (or something like that), he made it anyway! People thought he was crazy when he asked theaters to have the ushers release certain scents at the right time during Fantasia, and now we have 4-D attractions in the theme parks. He made things that others though were just dreams and fairy tales a reality! I have never lost sight of my Dream to work for the Disney Company. I can't wait to go back! (66 DAYS!)

Want to see more Disney Quotes? Check out Wise Words From Walt

Friday, March 20, 2015

...It All Started With A Mouse

Growing up as a "Disney Kid", I learned a lot from Walt Disney's movies, but also from the man himself. Here are some of my favorite quotes and why that are special to me. 

This is such an iconic statement. Mickey Mouse has been such an influence in many children's lives, including mine. I love this quote because it shows that Walt would always remember where it all began. That little doodle on a train that turned his whole life upside down. The Walt Disney Company really grew from Mickey and Walt knew he would always be indebted to him.

This really speaks to me on a personal level. It says to never forget where you came from. You may not love your past, but it shaped the person that you are today. It also brings light to a theme that we often see in Disney movies: one moment can change your whole life. I know Disney has shaped my who life, and I know that this second chance to work for the company that I love is going to change my life forever!

Want to see more Disney Quotes? Check out Wise Words From Walt