Friday, March 20, 2015

...It All Started With A Mouse

Growing up as a "Disney Kid", I learned a lot from Walt Disney's movies, but also from the man himself. Here are some of my favorite quotes and why that are special to me. 

This is such an iconic statement. Mickey Mouse has been such an influence in many children's lives, including mine. I love this quote because it shows that Walt would always remember where it all began. That little doodle on a train that turned his whole life upside down. The Walt Disney Company really grew from Mickey and Walt knew he would always be indebted to him.

This really speaks to me on a personal level. It says to never forget where you came from. You may not love your past, but it shaped the person that you are today. It also brings light to a theme that we often see in Disney movies: one moment can change your whole life. I know Disney has shaped my who life, and I know that this second chance to work for the company that I love is going to change my life forever!

Want to see more Disney Quotes? Check out Wise Words From Walt

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