Saturday, March 21, 2015

If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It

Growing up as a "Disney Kid", I learned a lot from Walt Disney's movies, but also from the man himself. Here are some of my favorite quotes and why that are special to me. 

Walt Disney was definitely a dreamer. How he came up with some of the ideas that he had, the world will never know. But everything he did was way ahead of his time. Walt never gave up. When people told him that making an animated film as long as Snow White was going to make people's eyes fall out (or something like that), he made it anyway! People thought he was crazy when he asked theaters to have the ushers release certain scents at the right time during Fantasia, and now we have 4-D attractions in the theme parks. He made things that others though were just dreams and fairy tales a reality! I have never lost sight of my Dream to work for the Disney Company. I can't wait to go back! (66 DAYS!)

Want to see more Disney Quotes? Check out Wise Words From Walt

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